

I had to take decisions concerning to weather information.

Weather predictions are even sometimes contradictory. May be they aren´t and my mind does misunderstand their information.

So finally, I think that I am confident with one weather prediction program, called Windity.

It takes a while to understand the information but now I feel confident about what I could expect and how I can manage the situation.

Since I have decided to be faithful on that weather information, I can say that reality matched with what I was expecting.

When the top of clouds were at 6000 ft at a particular point, they were indeed there.

If there was a predicted ¨hole¨ from 0 to 500 ft, that ¨hole¨was there.

The chosen path to avoid the bad weather north of Windsor, proved to be right. Also the information provided when I was at Bahamas was right.

It was an early wake up, at Windsor.

The hotel was at a walking distance from the airport, so after ¨feeding¨ myself and preparing some sandwiches, I transformed myself in the beggar of the previous days.

The FBO was already open, and I dressed myself for cold weather operations. It was not a matter to shake as I did when I landed!

As I was flying again over USA, I was concerned with the clearance. The fact was that it was granted so I felt better then. Of course, we are talking about IFR flight plans.

I climbed to 4500 ft and enjoyed a beautiful scenery.





Soon I was looking for animals, but I was not able to see any of them, just their trails on the snow over the iced lakes.

Wind and snow do really creates incredible fancy art, mainly at the lake surfaces.

It is a pity that the cameras are not able to capture all that beauty.

Clock needles began rotating and soon I was familiar with the area: lake Winebago !

Then, Oshkosh, right on top !

What a difference looking at it alone, instead from the busy pattern during the EAA meeting.


The EAA Museum was down there, and also the places where Prime Ribs and Lobsters reinforced my aviation experiences !!!

I had decided that day to keep going, weather permiting.

Duluth was already down there, and It came to my mind when I landed there in 1998 with my Kitfox and was stationed next to a F16 fighter. What a good ¨souvenir¨from that flight !

Fort de France and again, Canada. What a relief !!!!

Some six hours after the take off, I landed at Red Lake. Weather was good, so…please, we are going to top off the wing tanks !!!

Neat and fast fuel supply, good prices and kindness , not to forget a hot coffee !

Again flying north !

Terrain was not a good place to land but frozen lakes were indeed very good airports !

Namaypin lake

Namaypin lake

I was already in another world. Civilization was disappearing and I felt myself somewhere in the universe. Icy universe and magic !

No words to explain the feelings. Everything is so vast, so extreme, so beautiful !

The engine was running nicely.

I still didn´t have installed the tape at the inlets, so temperatures were around 290 F for Cylinders Heads, and 110 F for oil. My eyes glued on the countryside.

First intended destination was Churchill, but weather was very nice, so even tired, I proceeded into Rankin Inlet.

Close to Churchill river

Close to Churchill

Hudson bay

Hudson Bay

Churchill was really icy and isolated. My port of entry into Hudson Bay, where the sea was ice, broken ice. I followed the shore line, more or less, trying to find seals or whales, with no luck.



Finally Rankin was right there.

My VFR flight plan was strange: not a single airport wanted my position reports: They just told me: EC XLL you are on VFR flight plan, no need for position report !

I always thought that it would be nice for them to know where the aircraft was, but…..

Landing at Rankin was a new experience.

Staying there, a really new one !

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