Along Manaus

Along Manaus

Comandante Messías arrived next to my aircraft.

Skinny and really kind, it was not necessary for him to introduce himself.  I already knew he was Joao´s friend.

And since that first contact, no free time at all. It is really astonishing how he, and the others pilots around, take care of me.

So, a lot of chatting, a lot of questions and a lot of fun.

The best was to come next day: I was going to fly Messías´seaplane.

Cte Messias

The Petrel is a nice Brazilian design, Rotax powered, biplane airplane.

I liked it very much. Manaus Flores airport is plenty of them, and I did understood why.

The Comandante Messías Petrel had a very special device on it. All the Amazonas is plenty of small vultures. Those are mostly thermaling around and are a big danger for the airplanes.

If they fly in front of the airplane, or below, no problems.

They always dive to avoid an impact, but always is always, so if the unlucky pilot approaches some of those vultures, and they are slightly above, they will dive into the airplane and crash in it …!

The device that Messías is testing, is a powerful high pitched tweeter. It seems that the sounds have the vultures moving away of the airplane path. It is quite interesting !

I can tell you that the noise is quite disturbing !


We took off and flew around Río Negro. We flew west and visited a lot.

Which one?

Amazonas ships


Daunting Amazonas

Río Negro has of course, black waters, but those are clean waters.

The other river joining Río Negro is brown. Its name is Solimoes, but actually it is the Amazonas itself.

I did my first ever in my life splash on water. Then Messías asked me if I wanted to try, and of course I wanted !

First one was in the center of the river. Water surface was choppy so it was a bounced landing. Then we flew next to the shore, and I got two nice ones !

flying the river

Flying amphibians planes is really nice and I don´t understand why it is almost forbidden in Spain. Contrary to boats, Seaplanes are environmental clean ships.

Then we landed at our meeting point, for the lunch.Relaxing lunch



What a place ! It was paradise.

Before flying, Messías bought two huge pieces of Amazonas fish that we stored between our legs, for the flight. That fish was going to be barbecued  later.


Todo por la Patria 2

The place was perfect. The hammocks were a nice place to prepare the next leg into Boavista !!!

“Commandante¨ is the spanish/portuguese/brasilean name for ¨Captain¨. So the way to call the other pilots is Comandante.

Comandante Messías, Comandante Michel.


Javier Alonso-Iñarra / Mar 7, 2016 7:16 pm / Reply


thanks for the daily effort of writing down your experiences and adding these wonderful pictures.
i’m sure many people are following your trip, the number will increase as you advance

in the Sociedad Geográfica Española we are particularly proud of your achievement, and look forward to your advance and safety. we feel close to you, and when you are in the air we follow your advance and imagine the panoramas you fly over…

buen vuelo!!

Aviación Digital / Mar 7, 2016 11:41 pm / Reply

Michel da gusto poder seguir tus relatos… Te acuerdas del maravilloso libro sobre los hidroaviones que te regalé… Hoy leyendo lo del Petrel brasileño me he acordado. ¡Qué gozada…! Please, Enjoy Yourself

Lucy / Mar 8, 2016 6:20 pm / Reply

Quien pudiera volar en tu balsillito, ya que no hay otro sitio en el avion. Disfrutalo al maximo. Estoy muy contenta por ti y muy orgullosa de conocerte. Eres un gran hombre. Cariños

Fernando Cañas / Mar 11, 2016 12:44 am / Reply

Solo desearte lo mejor en esta nueva aventura. Ánimo Michel

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